Monday, February 07, 2005

How do you do, Monday?

How is it that the weekends always go by so quickly? Weekend. Blink. Monday.

Saturday night I had a dinner party for one Toni the Birthday Girl. We ate whole crabs and made the messiest mess there ever was. The highlight of the evening was when her HOME MADE birthday cheesecake ended upside down on the floor. Before she could even see that I wrote her name all fancy like in chocolate sauce.

"Toni, come see your birthday cake."

(looking all over the kitchen counters) "I don't see it."

"Oh, that's because it's on the floor."

"Hey, nice. Thank you!"

Yesterday one of my favorite restaurant clients closed his place and had a private Superbowl party just for his favorite people. I got to bring along 3 people, and the fight for the spots was UGLY. Although I did get some pretty roses out of it. Bribery IS GOOD. Oh man, food was so good, and I ate so much that by the second quarter I was ready for a nap. It was a lonnng game.

At the party someone dropped a piece of carrot cake on the floor. I immediately said, "Oh, Toni will eat that."

I laughed, she did not.