Thursday, August 24, 2006


Last night I had my first Biker Bar Experience. Things that my friends are laughing about today, also known as "Why the hell do I feel the need to say things like this when I'm drinking?":

"Is that your HOG?"

"You've got a bit of barbecue sauce in your ZZ-Top beard."

"So you come here EVERY NIGHT?!!!"

(while watching a guy put 5 dollars into a juke box - which by the way, I had no idea that they totally upgraded juke boxes - computer touch screens and everything. I stared at it way too long): "Please choose 'I Am...I Said' By Neil Diamond. Please choose 'I Am...I Said' By Neil Diamond. Please choose 'I Am...I Said' By Neil Diamond."

"I've been on a motorcycle before!"

God, I'm cringing.

Something bugging me today: There are some nasty flu/cold viruses running around right now. My question is this. Business people? WHY DO YOU SHOW UP TO MEETINGS WHEN YOU'RE SICK? I've turned all OCD with the constant hand sanitizing and the drinking of Airborne every hour on the hour.